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MDT 2012: Pre-populating The DomainOUs List

There’s a feature in MDT that displays a dropdown list of Domain OU’s in the Lite Touch deployment wizard.

Step 1: Let’s make a drop-down for the Organizational Unit text box during the “Computer Details” dialog box in the MDT deployment time


Step 2: Go into your MDT server and created a “DomainOUList.xml” file. Review the image for the format or view the video to see it 🙂


Step 3: Once you are completed with the xml file drop it into the scripts folder.


Step 4: Restart your MDT deployment and you should see the drop-down option now. NICE! 🙂


About BjTechNews (1065 Articles)
An IT guy trying to learn everything about technology and sharing it with you all. I'm a blogger and video blogger who highlights daily news in the tech industry, promoting tips and hacks for fellow techies.

4 Comments on MDT 2012: Pre-populating The DomainOUs List

  1. GraceSolutions // December 7, 2015 at 4:19 pm // Reply

    Ok guys! This script will prompt you for credentials and then generate a list of Organizational Units from Active Directory from the specified “SearchBase” that you specify, sort the results by CanonicalName (Example: “Domain.net/OU/OU/OU”) and then proceed to export each entry to “DomainOUList.xml” provided there were results from the query. This also makes use of the modification above and exports the DistinguishedName, and FriendlyName of each result. Have a blessed day folks! I hope this helps somebody!

    Generates “DomainOUList.xml” file with each item formatted like the following

    Domain.com \ Test \ Computers \ Workstations \ Branches \ Test

    Output is also sent to “$Env:Windir\Temp\ScriptName.log”

    This also requires the following modification within your to “DeployWiz_ComputerName.vbs” located in the “Scripts” folder of your Deployment Share for Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.

    At roughly line 61 replace what is there with the following

    Function AddItemToMachineObjectOUOpt(item)
    AddItemToMachineObjectOUOptEx item, item
    End Function

    Function AddItemToMachineObjectOUOptEx(item,value)
    Dim oOption
    Set oOption = document.createElement(“OPTION”)
    oOption.Value = value
    oOption.Text = item
    MachineObjectOUOptional.Add oOption
    MachineObjectOUOptionalBtn.style.display = “inline”
    End Function

    At roughly line 158, replace what is there with the following

    If MachineObjectOUOptionalBtn.style.display “inline” then

    iRetVal = oUtility.FindFile(“DomainOUList.xml”, sFoundFile)
    If iRetVal = SUCCESS Then
    For Each oItem In oUtility.CreateXMLDOMObjectEx( sFoundFile ).selectNodes(“//DomainOUs/DomainOU”)
    If oItem.Attributes.getNamedItem(“value”) Is Nothing Then
    AddItemToMachineObjectOUOpt oItem.text
    AddItemToMachineObjectOUOptEx oItem.text, oItem.Attributes.getNamedItem(“value”).value
    End If
    End If

    End If

    MDT will now display “FriendlyNames” for your organizational units during deployment!

    Tested and working with MDT 2013 Update 1 with the latest Windows 10 ADK (10586)

    If you prefer not to display friendlynames, skip the DeployWiz modification and comment out the line that uses friendlynames and uncomment the line that uses distinguishednames.

    #######Powershell Script!


    [String]$SearchBase = “OU=Place,OU=OrganizationalUnit,OU=Path,DC=Here,DC=com”,
    [String]$ExportPath = “$ScriptDir\DomainOUList.xml”,
    [String]$BackupPath = (Split-Path -Path $ExportPath -Parent) + “\DomainOUList_PreviousVersion.xml”

    #Clear The Screen

    #Define Default Action Preferences
    $DebugPreference = “Continue”
    $ErrorActionPreference = “Continue”
    $WarningPreference = “Continue”

    #Define ASCII Characters
    $Equals = [Char]61
    $Space = [Char]32
    $SingleQuote = [Char]39
    $DoubleQuote = [Char]34
    $NewLine = “`r”
    $Tab = “`t”

    #Set Working Directory
    $ScriptDir = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition | Split-Path -Parent
    $ScriptName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
    $Temp = “$Env:Windir\Temp”

    #Start logging script output
    (Start-Transcript -Path “$Temp\$ScriptName.log”)

    #Query WMI
    $OSArchitecture = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property OSArchitecture | Select -ExpandProperty OSArchitecture).Replace(“-bit”, “”).Replace(“32″,”86″).Insert(0,”x”).ToUpper()
    $OSCaption = (“{1} {2} {3}” -f (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property Caption | Select -ExpandProperty Caption).Split(” “).Trim())
    $OSVersion = [Decimal](“{0}.{1}” -f (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property Version | Select -ExpandProperty Version).Split(“.”).Trim())

    #Define Variables
    $ExecutingUser_Domain = (Get-DnsClient | Where-Object {($_.ConnectionSpecificSuffix -ne “”) -and ($_.ConnectionSpecificSuffix -ne $Null)} | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty ConnectionSpecificSuffix).Trim()
    If (($ExecutingUser_Domain -eq “”) -or ($ExecutingUser_Domain -eq $Null)) {$ExecutingUser_Domain = $Env:UserDnsDomain.Trim()}
    $ExecutingUser_UserName = $Env:UserName.Trim()
    $ExecutingUser_FullName = (“{1} {0}” -f (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter “Name = ‘$ExecutingUser_UserName'” | Select -ExpandProperty FullName).Split(“,”).Trim())
    If (($ExecutingUser_FullName -eq “”) -or ($ExecutingUser_FullName -eq $Null)) {$ExecutingUser_FullName = $ExecutingUser_UserName}
    $Server = $ExecutingUser_Domain

    #Create Secure Credential Object
    $Credentials = (Get-Credential -Message “$ExecutingUser_FullName, please enter your credentials.” -UserName “$ExecutingUser_Domain\$ExecutingUser_UserName”)

    #Define Functions
    #Determine The Parent Of An Active Directory Object
    Function Get-ADObjectParent ($DistinguishedName)
    $Parts = $DistinguishedName -Split “(?<![\\]),"
    Return $Parts[1..$($Parts.Count – 1)] -Join ","

    #Make A Backup Copy Of "DomainOUList.xml"
    If (Test-Path -Path "$ExportPath") {Copy-Item -Path "$ExportPath" -Destination "$BackupPath" -Force | Out-Null}

    #Create "DomainOUList.xml"
    $DomainOUList_Create = (New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$ExportPath" -Force).FullName

    #Retrieve Organizational Units From Active Directory And Sort The Results Based On CanonicalName
    $OUs = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * -Credential $Credentials -Properties * -SearchBase $SearchBase -SearchScope Subtree -Server $Server | Select *, @{Name="FriendlyName";Expression={($_.CanonicalName).Split("/")}}, @{Name="Parent";Expression={Get-ADObjectParent -DistinguishedName $_.DistinguishedName}} | Sort-Object CanonicalName

    #Export To "DomainOUList.xml" for use with Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
    If ($OUs.Count -gt 0)
    ("” + $NewLine) | Out-File -FilePath “$ExportPath” -Append -Encoding utf8

    (“” + $NewLine) | Out-File -FilePath “$ExportPath” -Append -Encoding utf8

    ForEach ($Item In $OUs)
    #If You Want To Remove Portions Of The “$Item.FriendlyName” Property, Experiment With The “+ 4″ Value. Example – Change It To + 3, etc… This May Make It Easier To See The Names When Selecting Them During Deployment.
    $Item.FriendlyName = (($Item.FriendlyName)[($Item.FriendlyName.GetLowerBound(0) + 4)..($Item.FriendlyName.GetUpperBound(0))] -Join ” \ “)

    Write-Host “Now Exporting `”$($Item.FriendlyName)`” to `”$($ExportPath)`”” -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #Comment/Uncomment The Follwing Line If You Want To Make Use Of FriendlyNames, Only One Value May Be Used At A Time!
    ($Tab + “” + $NewLine + $Tab + $Tab + $($Item.FriendlyName) + $NewLine + $Tab + “” + $NewLine) | Out-File -FilePath “$ExportPath” -Append -Encoding utf8

    #Comment/Uncomment The Follwing Line If You Want To Make Use Of DistinguishedNames, Only One Value May Be Used At A Time!
    #($Tab + “” + $NewLine + $Tab + $Tab + $($Item.DistinguishedName) + $NewLine + $Tab + “” + $NewLine) | Out-File -FilePath “$ExportPath” -Append -Encoding utf8

    (“”) | Out-File -FilePath “$ExportPath” -Append -Encoding utf8

    #Stop logging script output

    ########End Powershell Script

  2. hi

    I did try this. But I still do not see drop down for organization list. What am I missing?

    I have created XM filea and saved under scripts folder

    Some help much appreciated


  3. Can we do the same type listing for Join a Domain?

  4. hi, i’ve question. i’ve domain and subdomain and i want to list of domains, how i can do this?

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